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The Clubfoot Research Foundation is a Grassroots initiative with the aim to improve

outcomes for CTEV and Co-morbid Disorder patients. This goal is captured in our logo with the slogan, “Changing the Future”. We initially worked to jumpstart research in the CTEV arena the past ten years as education in this arena was found to be still dormant. We then became a parent and patient-led resource in gathering data to initiate this change.


We work to ensure the creation of genetic therapies for an extremely varied genetic disorder to address the root cause of disease. To do this we identify and share research gaps with Universities, researchers, even government entities such as the CDC and National Health Care Systems, orthotists and engineers. We also inspire other non-profit organizations to further their understanding and analysis of research since 2013. Our education efforts ensure that patients and caretakers develop a better understanding of their diagnosis and therapy options available.


For the future of CTEV and with the knowledge we have procured the education in this arena needs to be restructured due to inadequate detail in current frameworks. To assist further education we are developing new framework additions that will improve the understanding of diseases in general. 

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