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FUND: Research- Collect all types of data on all aspects of CTEV to publish, fund studies, educate and advocate for all medical professionals and patients afflicted by CTEV.


                PROGRAM 1: Publish current research analysis data to NIH, conferences and other medical journals. 

                PROGRAM 2: Create and maintain a patient registry which includes collecting data, hiring labs, and other necessary     

                                         personal. Then use the data in the patient registry to fund or publish studies.



FUND: Educate- Take the data we have collected and pass it on to the medical establishment and patients to help better the knowledge and outcomes of those afflicted by CTEV


                PROGRAM 1: Provide educational materials such as pamphlets, slideshows and presentations to patient families with a

                                         specific focus on the genetic connections and its role in co-morbid conditions. 

                PROGRAM 2: Provide educational materials such as pamphlets, slideshows and presentations to medical professionals,

                                         other non-profit organizations, universities and government entities with a specific focus on the genetic

                                         connections and its role in co-morbid conditions. 

                PROGRAM 3: Fund marketing campaigns through TV ads, radio ads, social media/online ads and pamphlets to teach how

                                         CTEV is a genetic disorder influencing other genetic dispositions and that patient should consider long

                                         term strategies re care. One size does NOT work in a genetically varied disorder. 



FUND: Advocacy- Utilize the data to help those afflicted by CTEV find medical care, therapies and additional knowledge to allow  the patient the best possible outcome.


                PROGRAM 1: Fund to pay for a volunteer to create, maintain and distribute via mail, email or phone CTEV patient care

                                         lists. These lists give patients and their family’s access to doctors and therapies by location. 

                PROGRAM 2: Run a zoom style online support group to address neurological impacts of the disorder, how it impacts the

                                         patient and family, what therapies are available and how to obtain help among all other aspects of the

                                         disorder in this neglected patient population. This includes the expense for the online group application

                                         and counseling patients who are in distress from their situation.



FUND: Fundraising- To bring in additional income to support our research, education and advocacy efforts in addition to supporting Clubfoot Research Foundation’s business and administration costs.


                PROGRAM 1: Run a large online campaign and a large in-person campaign each year in addition to other small

                                         fundraising campaigns such as flyers, periodical/online ads or tv/radio ads.



FUND: Office & Administration- All expenses outside the mission of the non-profit.




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(844) 493-0650


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